Thursday, January 10, 2008

Literary Theory

For some reason I am very fascinated with mythology, probably because I've always loved the idea of believing the fantastical since I was a very little girl. A story my mom likes to tell everyone was when I was four years old. I was sitting in the backyard, holding my arm out with my finger pointed for hours and hours...Finally my mom came outside to see what was going on, and I started crying because no birds would land on my finger like on the disney movie princess, "Snow White." My interests in ancient times and the ceremonies and the fairy tale-like folklore they believed makes me very interested in the Philological theory.

Even though the idea of deconstruction seems almost tedious, I really like the idea of breaking something into parts and questioning whether it is the way you think it is...I've never liked the idea of being one-minded about anything. When I study for a test, I tend to think way more deeply into the vocab than most of it actually is, and then I get the answers wrong because I've broken apart the, "correct," definition so completely. I like that in literature, this is allowed.

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